Product Carousel FAQ

A product carousel is a scrollable container displaying your live listings. You can customize the product carousel by specifying a category, and/or a combination of keywords.

The Seller Store pages contain forms to allow you to customize what products return. Default categories have been setup to get you started. You may override the setting in this section.


The title is an identifier that appears above the carousel and does not change what items are returned. A title is required for the carousel to appear.


Input a category number, (not a category name) and the carousel will return items in that category. Refer to our searchable category list to get the category numbers.


You can input a keyword or keywords to target which items are returned. For example, putting Ruger as a keyword in the Revolvers will return Ruger Revolvers. Putting Ruger without a category will return all items with Ruger regardless of category. (IE: Ruger rifles, Ruger parts.)

Use multiple keywords to fine tune even more. For instance, “Colt 1911” will search for listings containing both keywords.

IMPORTANT: Keywords will search for items containing ALL of these words. Keywords are intended to narrow the search. Putting keywords that are in conflict with one another may result in no results returned.  For instance, putting 9MM and 45 ACP will make the system look for items with both 9MM and 45 ACP in the description.

Sort number:

Sort number specified the order in which the results are returned. A sort number of 13 will return featured and most relevant items first, A sort number of 0 returns by time ending soonest.

0 – Time ending soonest
1 – Time ending latest
4 – Item price Low to High
5 – Item price High to Low
8 – Bid count Low to High
9 – Bid count High to Low
12 – Relevance
13 – Featured and then Relevance