A GunBroker.com Store is a self-service offering, that enables a brand to have a store on GunBroker.com. This product allows a brand to have a larger footprint on GunBroker.com. A brand chooses a store from template offerings, and designs a storefront to highlight Retailer listings of their products on GunBroker.com. This allows a brand to aggregate seller listings that meet your terms and conditions. You have the ability to only include listings that honor MAP pricing if that’s enforced and/or listings can only be included that are in condition “NEW”. A store is an ideal vehicle to spotlight new products, templates can be selected that host videos, which can be swapped out, stores can be customized to promoted product by season (such as “Fathers Day” or “Whitetail Deer Hunting” or “Range Bag Items”, etc.).
How can a brand request a storefront?
- A brand will fill out the form below to request a store.
- A support ticket will be automatically created, and GunBroker.com staff will review the request.
- Once approved, a brand will receive a support ticket response containing a login, a login URL, and a base starter store will be setup. Timeframe is 6 -10 business days.
- A brand can then customize their store page by adding images, copy, and links. Carousels can be updated to return products using category and keyword combinations. See Creative Guidelines below.
- Once finished, click “Submit for Review. The moderation process can take 3-5 business days for new pages, and 2-3 days for existing pages.
- Once the page has been approved, it will be automatically published.
- If elements are not approved, you will receive a support ticket with instructions on what to change in order to be approved.
What is the cost for a Store on GunBroker.com?
- Cost is $1000.00 per month and deliverables include 250,000 run-of-site banner ads that promote the store per month. Invoices are issued the first week of every month prior to the previous month, and are only available with a 12-month commitment.
- A performance report offering metrics on the banner ad deliverables is sent along with an invoice each month.
Click for walkthru of available templates.
How does my store content get updated?
Design elements used in the store will be created and built by the brand, using our content management system and pre-built templates. Note that all links must go to a page on GunBroker.com. Linking off of GunBroker.com is not permitted.
Creative Guidelines:
- Image formats: WebP, JPEG, PNG or GIF images only.
- All links must land on GunBroker.com.
- Content (rext or images) may not contain the following: Contact information, including but not limited to phone numbers, website URLs, social media links.
- Suggested image sizes are listed below. Images are designed to scale responsively on a page, so when viewed on a mobile device, they will scale proportionately. All the elements below are optional.
Store Content Elements:
- Logo/Header.
- Logo can be any proportion: it will be a maximum height of 300px high
- You may also provide a full width banner to fill up the top space.(1200×240 px)
- The logo will automatically link to all your items. The header/logo link can be filtered as you see fit. We recommend a broad search. Examples include (but are not limited to) manufacturer, characteristic, condition (factory new or used) and you can specify a certain seller or all sellers.
- Short “about us” text.
- Text is limited to 500 characters.
- Link Image Grid:
- Suggested image size is 600x400px. Format: WebP, JPEG, PNG or GIF.
- These links are useful for categories or link groupings.
- Images will scale responsively on the page, and will stack on mobile devices.
- Product Carousels:
- Up to 7 product carousels can be included on your page. They can be modified with respect to category and keyword. The marketing team has setup some preliminary carousels based on commonly used categories but these can be configured by you.
- Featured Image
- 200×200 pixels. Square Format: WebP, JPEG, PNG or GIF.
- This image appears in the search results pages.
- It does not show up on your seller store page.
The diagram below illustrates the contents of the basic store. More formats are available with the Premium Templates.
How are stores updated?
- Log into the store with the provided credentials and login url.
- When you login, there is a Get Started section in the left sidebar with documentation on how to setup your store.
- When finished select “Submit Revision”
- GunBroker.com will review your submission and publish. If changes to content are required, GunBroker.com will advise via email.
Once a revision is submitted, how long does the review process take?
The revision process can take 3-5 business days.
How often can changes be made to a store?
Changes to stores can be made as often as desired. Note that all changes will go through the revision process with the 3-5 business day turnaround so please plan accordingly.
How do GunBroker.com shoppers find my store?
Once a Store is published, the stores will be discoverable in the following ways:
- There is a link to browse all stores on the header of every page on GunBroker.com.
- Each store will receive 250,000 banner ads per month that link to each store.
- Each store will have a unique URL which can be leveraged in customized marketing campaigns to land users on their Store.
- Additional marketing campaigns can be customized to any client’s budget and time frame. Please reach out to your sales rep or contact [email protected] if you would like to discuss this.
Contact information related to additional questions outside of what is highlighted above:
Please submit a support ticket request by going to https://support.gunbroker.com/hc/en-us
In the subject line, include “BRAND STORES ON GUNBROKER.COM”
We appreciate your consideration and we look forward to working with you.